Simple, Elegant and Wrong (SEW)


We have been around long enough to recognize incompetence when we see it! Like many of you reading this now, I have had my share of moments that defy logic and wisdom, as well. When presented with a challenging set of issues, it is not uncommon to scan our memories for a suitable analog and handle the current issues as we did with the issues of the past. As my son says often; “seems legit”. There is the issue, however, that the circumstances of today, may not resemble those examples that persist in our long-term memories. This is where matters may take a bad turn and go awry.

Simple approaches to complex issues usually results in additional complexities beyond the intended outcomes. In short, such approaches can lead to larger issues if we apply our seemingly straightforward solutions. Complex problems are categorized as complex for a reason. We must consider all facets of concern before attempting to address and resolve issues.

The level of understanding required to operate in a complex environment necessitates doing our homework to see how different parts of the business interrelate. In addition, what are the consequences of any decisions you make? Are they localized to you or your company or do they impact customers, stakeholders or supplier? Additionally, are decisions transparent to all parties involved? Lastly, will your approach to resolving issues affect the way you or your company is viewed by the public. Since reputations may be on the line, the “obviously” simple resolution to a complex set of issues may be costlier in the end. The old saying “you reap what you sew” is very true. So, remember that simple, elegant and wrong (SEW) solutions can cause irreparable damage to your professional reputation and that of your company.